Opinions are countless, and everyone is happy to have their own. It ‘s like a nursery rhyme:
one says one thing, one says another;
opinions are many and to each his own.
You tell me that I should look for certainties in science, but I will say that there are many uncertainties disguised as scientific truth. Even in the science, there are many contradicting information, especially on the fundamental issues of life or how to live. Even science is very uncertain.
It is good to have opinions, they are based on judgements that we make continuously. Note that here ‘judgement’ does not have a moral or ethical connotation. To be able to make an opinion we must be able to establish judgements, statements about our internal or external reality. We need to have some stability in the vision of things, each of us wants and needs to have opinions with some degree of certainty, otherwise we will be groping in confusion. The point is that to achieve steady convictions, personal certainties, the ways and procedures are not unique. Much of what we now believe comes from our upbringing, our parents, the environment, that is, much of what we think we know is the result of an acquisition more or less passive and does not result from an examination of our thoughts.
Although, common sense will help us a lot in our interpretation of reality, the best way to start examining our views is to begin from ourselves, looking within, and by digging around what we think of a certain thing, how have we come to that idea, from where that idea comes to us and what consequences it has on our actions. If one looks long enough inside himself, if one asks a question to himself with a certain insistence, the answer will come inevitably. This is the first step to begin to dispel the fog of mental and emotional confusion.
© Maurizio Bisogno, 2013 –