Category: Daily Observations

Contribuisci alla “Filosofia è la vita”

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72 Hours to the End of the World: Yesterday We Averted a Nuclear Apocalypse

72 Hours to the End of the World: Yesterday We Averted a Nuclear Apocalypse Based on G. Galloway interview to Scott Ritter Yesterday, the world teetered on the brink of catastrophe. This is not an exaggeration, but a sobering reality that brought the threat of global nuclear war terrifyingly close. According to Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, we narrowly avoided the end of the world, and the devastation that could have struck much of Europe would have occurred in just 72 hours. This apocalyptic storm was halted at the last moment by a crucial decision made by the United

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Indecision by Cicero

Practical Advice on not Knowing What to Do

By Maurizio Bisogno Have you already found yourself unable to decide if your intention was a capability to manifest or it was just wishful thinking? It is when you can’t decide whether you are daydreaming or creating something. The question expressing this situation could be “Is this a wish or a potentiality waiting to become a reality?” In this state you appear incapable of finding the road to follow and the work method to apply. The risk here is that you could follow the “gambler” attitude. You try your chance by putting yourself totally in the hands of luck. Someone

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