La Filosofia è la vita

Una piattaforma per la pubblicazione di articoli e saggi su vari argomenti filosofici e culturali, tra cui conoscenza di sé, politica, educazione, arte, psicologia, questioni sociali e sviluppo personale. Il sito web offre anche contenuti audio e forum di discussione per permettere ai lettori di interagire con le idee presentate negli articoli. *********** A platform for publishing articles and essays on various philosophical and cultural topics, including self-discovery, politics, education, art, psychology, social issues, and personal development. The website also offers audio content and discussion forums for readers to engage with the ideas presented in the articles.

Digitalization in Social Work: Risks, Rewards, and Strategies

ABSTRACT. Digitalization has had a significant impact on the field of social work, bringing both opportunities and challenges. This article explores the ways in which digital technologies are being used in the field, the risks and challenges involved, and strategies for addressing these challenges and making the most of the opportunities presented. It also discusses the potential impacts of gaming technologies and gamification strategies on the delivery of social services and the risks associated with their use. The article concludes by providing recommendations for social workers looking to effectively use digital technologies in their practice.

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Exploring Reality Through Tarot: An Alternative Perspective

ABSTRACT: Perception of reality is a complex concept influenced by various factors such as personal experiences, cultural and societal norms, and the brain’s interpretation of sensory information. While evidence-based approaches and logical reasoning are important sources of knowledge and guidance, alternative approaches such as occult philosophy and esoterism can also provide insight and understanding. Tarot readings, for example, can serve as a prompt for self-reflection and personal growth. In this case study, a three-card Tarot spread was used to gain insight into an individual’s career dissatisfaction and to develop a plan for moving forward. The interpretation of the cards suggested that the individual may need to challenge their assumptions and beliefs, seek support and guidance, and cope with negative thoughts and emotions in order to break free from limitations and move forward in a more positive direction. This demonstrates that it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the world and offer interpretations of real-life situations without relying solely on evidence-based approaches.

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Evandro Agazzi: Leading the Way in Understanding the Ethics and Social Implications of Emerging Technologies

Evandro Agazzi is a renowned philosopher and researcher who has made significant contributions to the fields of philosophy of science, logic, and the philosophy of language. His work has focused on a wide range of topics, including the concept of scientific progress, the nature of scientific explanation, and the ethical and social implications of new developments in science and technology. Agazzi is particularly known for his work on the philosophy of language, and has written extensively on the relationship between language and thought, the nature of meaning, and the role of language in shaping our understanding of the world. His insights and arguments provide valuable perspectives on the ways in which new developments in science and technology may impact our sense of identity and agency, and offer important guidance for how we can address and respond to these challenges in a responsible and ethical manner.

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