Tag: Happiness

Trouver un travail épanouissant : clé pour vaincre le conflit intérieur et l’aliénation

Notre esprit a besoin d’un but et d’une direction pour notre bien-être et notre bonheur. La peur de l’insécurité financière peut nous empêcher de poursuivre un travail qui a du sens, mais trouver et poursuivre un travail significatif est la clé pour mener une vie épanouissante et satisfaisante.

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The Benefits of Examining Yourself

My book Don’t Go Abroad, Go Within  is a practical application of the principle that examining your thoughts will give you a greater awareness and control over your life. It shows how to get out of the tunnel by taking you in it. Dare to know what you really think and feel and you will gain in mind clarity and happiness. This is the most important step you can take to know how much you are in control of your destiny –  can you really separate yourself from the past? The transformation that is required to advance is not going

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What is the real cause of happiness? – Stoicism 2

In the previous article I dealt with the root question of Stoicism, in this one I will go further and examine where happiness lies for human beings. What does really matter to us as human beings. Virtue = Good – Only virtue can bring happiness. Live virtuously = goal of humans, the rest is indifferent. When we embark on the path to satisfy our desires, we start a chain of events that will be infinite. No desire satisfaction lasts for ever, after each desire satisfied another one rises and so for ever. How can happiness be based on that never-ending

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