Tag: cause and effect

The chalice of all possibilities and beyond.

The past and the present differ from the future precisely in that they have a concreteness and finiteness that the third one does not have. In fact, the future is the realm of possibilities, of the not-formed that can take all the forms of the possible (in this sense the future also includes the impossible). The future is the result of the combination of the various forces and existing laws, but it is not already written. It is written by becoming.

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Daily Meditation – One Universe, One Stock

When we consider a series of things, the consequent things match perfectly the previous ones. The connection between the two groups of things is a rational and wonderful relationship. The stress is here is on the rational connection which reflects the harmony in which ALL things stand together: a simple sequence is different from a rational order. As the universal order, so the small series of things that happen in our life are rationally connected.

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