Author: Maurizio Bisogno

The Coffee Shop Breakdown

Liam sat in the farthest corner of the coffee shop, his tea untouched, its steam dissipating like the fragile calm he had hoped for. Across from him, Emily was in the throes of something far too vast to be contained by the simple table between them. She clenched a napkin in her shaking hand, her voice quivering with an intensity that seemed to carry the weight of her entire soul. “Do you see, Liam?” she said, her voice both triumphant and shattered. “Even if Jacob leaves—goes to Dublin, to the ends of the earth—I will not let Nathan go. Never.

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the geopolitical energy struggles

Ucraina, Europa e guerra del gas: chi ne beneficia davvero?

Nel cuore dell’inverno più turbolento d’Europa, una decisione si diffonde in tutti i continenti: l’Ucraina interrompe il transito del gas russo, tagliando un’ancora di salvezza che un tempo alimentava le industrie e le case europee. Sebbene inquadrata come una coraggiosa presa di posizione contro l’aggressione, questa mossa solleva domande più profonde. Chi ci guadagna quando le nazioni europee scambiano la dipendenza energetica dalla Russia con la dipendenza dal più costoso gas americano? E a quale prezzo questo si allinea con lo scacchiere globale, dove gli Stati Uniti e la Russia si contendono il dominio mentre l’Europa ne sopporta il peso?

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the geopolitical energy struggles

Ukraine, Europe, and the Gas War: Who Truly Benefits?

In the heart of Europe’s most turbulent winter, a decision ripples across continents: Ukraine halts the transit of Russian gas, severing a lifeline that once fuelled Europe’s industries and homes. While framed as a bold stand against aggression, this move raises deeper questions. Who gains when European nations trade energy dependency on Russia for reliance on costlier American gas? And at what price does this align with the global chessboard, where the U.S. and Russia vie for dominance while Europe bears the brunt? This article unravels the layers of this geopolitical shift, exposing the contradictions and consequences often obscured by

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