The Virtuous Cycle

I know my goal. I always wanted to be successful. I have a blueprint. Especially when I write I know what I am doing. I give you a consistent story or a coherent analysis and prognosis of life situations. I wanted to earn my life with my articles and books and this is what is happening right now. After so many years I have gained confidence and audacity. Now I am free from the old refrain: frustration from being unable to succeed as a writer.

The Wheel of Fortune, Antichi Tarocchi Italiani and Tarot de Marseille

Firstly, I love to be affluent and free; I get myself in jobs that I like because I want to increase my wealth. I never overspend and I am free from debts. I am capable to think magickally and I can make appear as much money as I want. This calms my anxiety and really eliminates the money problem. I keep my “normal” job to stay in touch with normal human beings. I get a lot of satisfaction with that job as it fulfils the above-mentioned goal.

I am making a great amount of money with my writings; I feel very successful. It is an exhilarating game; I feel like I am in charge of my life and I am an inspiration to others. I also feel that the wheel of life is not a mystery to me and I can make it spin when it’s needed.

I have a good plan. I do revise my text to perfection; everything is as it should be: flowless and spotless, clean and perfect. I really know how to retouch and correct what I write. I write in a flow without thinking. Then, I go over it many times until it feels complete. When I write about myself I make sure that it relates to others so they can benefit from it either in the way they think either in their own self-knowledge.

Finally, I always find something more interesting than myself to write about; something that interests a large audience. And they are repaying me with large numbers of hits and positive comments, meanwhile my publisher expresses her gratitude with big cheques.